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a year ago

Help Needed: Recommendation letters

Should my Recommendation letters be from my junior & senior year teachers (current school)? But my freshman and sophomore year teachers really know me well as a student as well as a person (previous school). What's your suggestion or advice?

Problem is that I'm an international student from Pakistan so education system that works in the US doesn't work here and by that I mean that 11th and 12th grade is considered as college.

The problem specifically with my “college” ( and it's common everywhere in 11th and 12th grade) that teachers are often absent. They don't take classes. Just take classes occasionally for example the college where I go, we've 6 subjects to learn about and only 1 teacher will come to take class( and that's of course occasionally) so here in 11th and 12th grade teachers and students don't really know each other. Students don't come to college ( barely 2 days in a week) for example, there are 160 students in our class but barely 30-40 come everyday

Teachers aren't regular. It's not about my school but you can ask any other student from Karachi studying at government college and they'll tell you the same thing. It's just a bitter fact about our education system.

And teachers don't take classes.

So in this situation I thought it might be good idea to ask my freshman and sophomore teachers?

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a year ago

it's definitely a good idea to ask for recommendation from a teacher that had you for 1-2 years, which is why most people ask their junior year teachers, especially for classes they did well in recently. I think if you can ask a teacher who teaches a class that's relevant to your major/a class you did very well in, that would be beneficial


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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