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a year ago

Is my schedule good?

I am a junior (for context) and this is my current schedule:

AP Bio

AP Calc AB


AP Lang

AP Spanish

However, I think I will very much struggle in Spanish, given that I am a non-native speaker. I am currently considering the following schedule:

AP Bio

AP Calc AB


AP Lang

AP Psych


Is this a doable schedule?

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a year ago

Hello! I think this schedule looks very interesting. The answer one can give to this question can depend on the courseload of these AP classes and your other lesson workloads.

In the end, it is your choice and you will know yourself the best (+this is a learning journey) but, here are my thoughts:

- Do not get AP Spanish.

+ Definetly get AP Biology and Calc AB.

+ If you enjoy reading, analyzing and writing descriptively, and are up to doing this in a consistent basis, AP Lang can be benefical too.

-/+ If you plan to study in a Biology-related area, APES could be a good choice too but please bear in mind your extracuriculars and work-balance life. APES definetly isn't too hard but it requires a fine amount of studying and solving frq&mcq!'s. Most people do not study for the exam as they overlook it so their scores are 2 or below it(not passing). In conclusion, if the topics interest you , you are ready to study for it decently, and you also plan to study a related (possibly Chem or Bio related) field, then go for it!

- AP Psychology isn't too hard but honestly, as it contains a lot of memorization and you have a lot on your plate, I would suggest you to not take it. Though, I can recommend it for your senior year!

- I would recommend getting AP PUSH in your senior year.

a year ago

Honestly, I think if you want good grades in all of those classes, you should focus your energy into the most valuable APs. I agree with what @Tulipismyname says, and I think (unless you're really into bio) you should drop APES/AP psych and focus on others. But up to you! Good luck! :)

a year ago

I agree with @Tulipismyname and @wecamdothis regarding AP Psych and APES, however, I suggest that you continue taking APUSH junior year, especially if you want to take AP Gov and Economics later in high school. Best of luck for the school year! :D


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