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a year ago

Is AICE really worth anything without the diploma?

I've been taking AICE classes since freshman year. These classes include

AICE General paper (Passed with a D)

AICE Thinking Skills ( Ungraded)

AICE English Literature (Passed with an E)

AICE International History ( Ungraded)

and AICE Digital Media Design (Passed with an E)

Initially, I took these courses to boost my GPA and potentially aim for the AICE diploma since with that diploma you automatically get the Bright Futures scholarship. But since I no longer qualify, I feel like I've wasted all my time. From what I'm hearing from my other senior friends in a position like me is that they really like AP, IB and Dual Enrollment. So will AICE classes even benefit me when it comes to college apps?

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Accepted Answer
a year ago

Hi! First of all, congrats on passing EGP, Lit, and Digital Media! As far as how AICE classes benefit you, it depends on where you are going to go to college. Most, if not all, colleges in Florida will recognize AICE classes as advanced classes, and they still contribute to your weighted GPA no matter where you go! But if you plan on going out-of-state, then my suggestion is to check with the school if they're going to give you college credit.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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