11 months ago

How will an F in middle school on a high school level class impact my admissions chances, and what can I do?

My unweighted GPA is a 3.739, weighted is 4.179. This is not taking into account my current classes, because my current school gives grades on a semester basis, not quarters. I retook the class in my sophomore year and earned an A+ both semesters. The class was a foreign language elective.

In late 2020, as an 8th grader I was having issues with my teacher during e-learning. I had an intervention meeting with the guidance counselor, my parents, and the teacher because the teacher was targeting me in class, marking me with an absurd amount of absences, and would not let me switch out of her class. I was trying to take the class through my county's online school, which students were able to do at any time of the year before COVID-19, as long as they had permission from the guidance counselor and recommendation from a teacher, but by the time I was approved, first quarter ended and I received an F. I somehow forgot about this, and have not been taking it into account in my personal GPA calculations, which I was using on CollegeVine since my school never provided me my official GPA up until this point. On my student summary it shows the class as an attempt on a .50 class, even though I was only in the class for 1 quarter.

Will colleges overlook this if I explain it in the additional info section? How will this affect me in admissions? I'm aiming for competitive, but not Ivy-league level competitive, like UF with 30% admissions, or FSU with 37%.

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11 months ago

I agree with @emmett

colleges don't pay that much attention to middle school grades, if you got that score in 9th or 10th grade then that would be a serious problem but you should be okay 👌


11 months ago

If they do receive it I think it would barely affect your chances, if at all, since they'd be able to see it's an outlier compared to the rest of your grades. It's one class, and as a language elective its grade shouldn't matter a ton to colleges (unless you want to major in a language, of course), especially since you did so well when you retook the class. And if you explain what happened in the additional info section or during an interview I think they would definitely overlook a single failed class from middle school that you understandably struggled in.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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