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a year ago


I am a junior in high school, and I have no idea where to begin. I want to go to pre-med school to eventually become a physician / doctor. What is the first step? What should I be doing right now to prepare myself?

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a year ago

I would say to start looking into colleges that may fit with your pre med. Also take a look online to see what classes you will need to take in college. If you can start dual enrolling in some of the basics such as English 101 or classes you will need to take ether way. Also if there is a class you need to take in college take the high school one so ou know mare about the topic befoe collage.


a year ago

Take anatomy and biology if your school provides those classes.


a year ago


As a high school junior, you can take both academic and extracurricular approaches for the same.

In order to get into a pre-med school, you need to take up physics, chemistry and biology as the main subjects in your school and also take up mathematics if you like it as pre-med is very academically inclined.

As for the extracurricular activities, you can take up internships at the local hospitals and work as an apprentice with a doctor. You wouldn't be able to get a prestigious job right now but you'll be able to understand the logistics and ethics of the clinic. If you want to showcase leadership, start a group with your high school friends to provide basic, pro-bono medical assistance to the elderly in your neighborhood or provide them with online health check-up facilities. This would also show the uniqueness of your thinking.

I hope this helps. Feel free to contact me for any other questions.


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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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