11 months ago

AP or Dual Enrollment?

would dual enrollment be more useful than AP? i plan to go to a community college after graduating and then transfer to a 4-year institute. my local CC has guaranteed-admission programs to specific universities in my area. i'm currently taking 1 AP and 1 honors class. i plan to be a physician in the future.

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11 months ago[edited]

I would highly suggest doing dual enrollment over AP courses. I am currently in dual enrollment at my community college and the classes are easier than normal high school classes. the professors are funny enough to make you like class. AP courses that are too hard will ruin your GPA which could seriously affect college acceptance. Dual enrollment courses look really good on your transcript bc it shows that you have college-adjacent experience. It also gives you lots of college credits, not to mention its SO much cheaper. you could get up to your associates in community college for a rly good price.


11 months ago[edited]

It doesn't matter too much whether you take dual enrollment or an AP for colleges. It only really matters much if you're taking dual enrollment at the community college you plan to go because it gives you college credit, but overall it doesn't matter too much. This is because APs and dual enrollment are considered as college-level courses.


10 months ago

hi! i'm a big advocate for duel enrollment and especially since your planning to transfer, i think that it would be better for you to invest in the dual enrollment classes. 1) they're free since we're in high school, while the AP exam itself is expensive (especially if you're taking multiple). 2) some classes from dual enroll will transfer over as credits after you graduate, so the more you take means the less time you spend at community college. 3) there's a higher chance of receiving credit from dual enrollment instead of AP, and its more cost efficient. hope this helps!


10 months ago

I’m always a huge advocate for dual enrollment. Depending on what courses you take they can be easier or harder than high school classes. For example right now I’m taking sociology 1010 which is so easy but I’m taking English 2010 which has more of a course load with more papers. I personally think it’s better because there’s not all the pressure to get a 4 or 5 a test like AP to get college credit. With dual enrollment it’s guaranteed if you have a passing grade. On top of them usually being easier than AP, you save tons of money in college with all the credits you’ll get!


10 months ago

I am in 2 dual enrollment classes and one AP class (AP lang). One of the dual enrollment classes I'm in is the most difficult class I'm in, but the other one is the easiest class I'm in. AP lang is not too hard for me, but I know that there are some very difficult AP classes. If you stress over big tests I think that dual credit is a better option since you will get guaranteed credit if you pass the class, and then it doesn't depend on whether or not you pass an AP exam.


11 months ago

I agree with @dhruv.s15 however i am in your same situation. I suggest the AP classes instead of the dual enrollment.


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