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a year ago

Dual enrollment or not?

Hi everyone!

I am a homeschooled junior. I am not able to take AP easily, so I am seriously considering online dual enrollment with my community college. The university I want to attend after high school (Delaware Valley University) is not highly selective. I have a very high GPA and great resume, but AP is so common that I think college admission officers may raise an eyebrow at the lack. Hoping DE would make up for no AP. Also, I want to graduate college in under 4 years, so I plan to take dual enrollment classes regardless.

Also, I am currently taking certificate level floral design classes and my parents are concerned that both may be too much. I am working towards a job/internship in floral design, hopefully hired by summer (when I should finish my floral classes). Should I take dual credit as early as next semester or wait until senior year?

Please vote and leave comments if you have some advice; I would appreciate it!! Deadlines for cc are coming up.

Happy Holidays, everybody!

Dual enrollment next semester
Wait until senior year and focus on floral design classes
Poll closed20 votes
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a year ago

Sorry, wanted to clarify for my choice.

Both will help quite a bit in the admission process, it depends on what you value more. If you want to do a dual enrollment just for the admissions (making up for lack of APs), AND you know that you will NOT enjoy doing it, then don't bother with it.

Do activities that you truly enjoy doing, and highlight that in your application.

Your happiness is more important than anything else!

a year ago

I agree! I also want to add, that maybe the original poster could consider dual enrollment classes that are a bit easier for them. For example, my local college requires a basic computer skill course that can be easily taken online, and some degree options require a basic class that essentially is an orientation explaining how college works.

🎤a year ago

Yeah, I'm looking general education courses but I'll start with easy things like a basic computer class and english composition (writing comes naturally). Thanks!


🎤a year ago

Thanks to everyone for their input! I went ahead and enrolled in 2 DE courses, ENG101 and Computer Information Systems. Both classes are going very well and I have time for the last of my hs required courses and even my floral classes! I will be able to complete all my last hs courses and floral so next year I can enroll full-time, 5 DE classes per semester. Thanks guys for giving me a little confirmation that this was the right direction to head :)


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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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