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a year ago

prep for college

I am a junior in high school, about half way through and I need some advance on the process of applying and getting things ready for college. Like what steps should I be doing to get into good school when I begin to apply next year. I have a 3.85 GPA, have many honors courses under my belt and i'm taking a dual credit class. My school doesn't offer AP's just dual credit. I am currently in Student Council where I am in a student body position, I am in SkillsUSA and have had a leadership position, and I am also in NHS. Should I be joining more clubs my senior year? What things look good on applications? I also need ways to improve my ACT scores, it was at a 21 but I know I didnt do my greatest on it. Need as much feedback as possible!

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a year ago

I am also a junior! Here are some steps to consider taking:

1) Begin researching majors if you do not know what you are interested in careerwise yet. Or, if you know a realm of interest, research possible majors in that field and colleges that offer them.

2) Begin you college list. College search engines like BigFuture are helpful in the initial search, but check the college's website to ensure they actually have the major (I have found that college search engines include similar majors that may not be what I want).

3) Narrowing your college list. Too often, students narrow their choices by the school's prestige and name. Instead, students should be making their top choices based on the program the school has to offer and what will best prepare you for your career. It doesn't need to be an amazing school to be the one that will teach you what you need/want. I myself plan on attending a lower instution stats-wise b/c they have what I need and I have an advantage in the merit scholarship realm.

4) At least take a virtual tour of the school, most preferably in-person though. Ask questions, take notes, and take pictures (if in-person) so you can compare your top schools. Then, if you are serious about the school, get connected with an admissions counselor for further questions.

7) Begin brainstorming essay ideas. Know what prompts each school has. No prompt? Have several essay ideas ready. Too many wait to write until application month. I wrote an extensive post on essays here:

Those are college application steps I recommend now. As far as high school, keep up those grades and stay actice in ECs. If you want to join more clubs that is fine as long as you can maintain grades, but my general advice is to continue doing what you love (hobbies can often add up to ECs).

Because you have time, I really recommend trying the SAT in the next semester. The SAT, especially the upcoming DSAT, has more time per question than the ACT, which can make the world of difference to some students. It is wise to try both and see where you score best. Study for several months before you take it and take many practice tests (Pro tip: Learn the tricks of the Desmos calculator on YouTuvbe-Method Learning-it can solve over 90% of the math!!) Feel free to try the ACT again, but I would first, it at all possible, try the DSAT, wait to compare your scores, and then if you still prefer ACT, try it again August/September your senior year. You will then have lots of time to study. Practice, practice, practice...and stick to it!

As far as what looks good on the application, colleges love to see students with a variety of interests whether this is shown through classes, ECs, or resum. Jobs look amazing as they show commitment and diligence (not to mention saving for the expense of college!). If you have some hobbies that you really love, put them on that application (music, languages, arts, sports, collections, research...even fun things like floral design and gardening, in my case)! If you have a passion, find ways to explore and develop it early while you are in HS. If you don't yet, then start exploring new things to find yours- everyone has a hidden passion or interest!

Hope this helps and answers some of your questions. If you have additional or more specific questions, reply to my comment and I will be happy to help!

My biggest advice is always to ENJOY HIGH SCHOOL. Do what you love and that will shape who you are. You'll never regret it!


11 months ago

I'm also around half way through my junior year of HS and don't have nearly as many impressive credentials but ways I'm trying to improve with my extracurriculars (specifically) is by dedicating time to put my best into what I do and become a reliable friend/peer for those I work with as well as putting myself out there. What I mean by that is you can try and try to get a leadership position but if no one knows you and more or less has some sort of reliance or relatability with you or your work it's even harder to achieve your goal.


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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