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a year ago

College Counseling Organization

Hello everyone! I am Anastasia Mrelashvili, a junior from Tbilisi, Georgia. I have just come up with a new extracurricular idea. My idea is to create an international college counseling organization. First, participating in the organization will be free. If it expands, then it might request some cost from the participants. I am thinking of helping the students choose what they want to study at university, and at which university, research about that specific university, boost their admissions chances to their dream colleges by helping them with SATs (offering resources), writing a good CV, and helping them in extracurricular activities (based on their interests of course), a little bit of help with rising their GPAs, helping them in personal and supplemental essays, and other parts of the applications. I am looking for someone who will help me in forming this organization. If you are interested, if you think that you have enough acumen to help, if you want to boost your CV, and if you want to help other students please fill out this application- College Counseling Organization Google Forms If you don't want to participate but just have some suggestions or questions you can write them in the comments. Thank you!!

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🎤a year ago

Sorry. I don't know why but Google Forms wasn't written as a link, here it is-


a year ago

I LOVE THE IDEA but i kind of dont know how it works

i will make sure my parents are ok with it and if nothing goes wrong i will participate!!


a year ago[edited]

This is a great idea! I'll have to talk to my parents and make sure they're ok with me doing this. But I love helping students with college counseling and have been helping out here at Collegevine for a while.

🎤a year ago

So happy for your response! Waiting for your answer. Asking you kindly to please not forget to fill out the Google Forms. 😊

a year ago

Hi @a_mrelashvili, I was curious what would be involved? Still being a student, I still have classes, ECs, and outside activities to balance. Just trying to envision if I would have time for it all...I have been able to help here at CV only b/c I can do it in spare moments.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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