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11 months ago

Any AP tips?

i'm taking ap human geography, which so far has been fairly decent, nothing too hard, but the tests we take are killing me. does anyone have tips for how they remembered vocab and other stuff for ap classes?


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
11 months ago

1) resources

Collegeboard basically tells you everything you need to know for the AP test, also shows whay you will have to study/learn

quizlet has flashcards, you can make your own, or look up flashcards relating to the topic. Def can help with vocab

Khan Academy helps you get a basic idea of everything, I don't know if they have anything for human geography, but they sure do for other AP classes

Youtube has channels and such for your AP classes

2) Study everything you learned, but pay attention to what you are required to study. ask your teacher what will be on the AP test, and go on college board to see the requirements

3) Take notes. Take them in class, take them from textbooks, take them from videos. TAKE NOTES!!! I don't know if this will help, but I take my notes on a google doc, so I don't waste all my paper. I can go on and on about how to properly maintain and take good notes on a doc, but that would take forever. I use the Google Doc template "Class Notes" by Luxe. Go to the template gallery and hit general, it's somewhere on there.

this template also seems to be cool. It's by Cornell, seems like a smart way to take notes:

4) Remember what you study

I sometimes do this, but rewrite your notes to help you remember it. A very good friend of mine (and he is probably the smartest person in my grade) writes his notes once in class, adds important things he thinks should be added, then rewrites it. He rewrites it until he remembers everything he wrote. This is how he gets 100s on like almost every test. The guy is a genius. Personally, I write my notes on a doc, add what I need to add, reread it, highlight important words, then I make myself a test on a Google form if I am really having trouble. I sometimes find questions online (or just take a test online) and add made-up questions from my notes. I also make quizlets. I always make quizlets and share them with my classmates to help them study. Making quizlets is proven to be helpful. For proof, my classmates find it extremely helpful.

5) Ask other classmates for help! Or maybe help other classmates. Teach a person, learn something yourself.

Ok, I think that's all I have in my head for now.

11 months ago

honestly what really helps me is making quizlets and studying those key terms. i also have a mini whiteboard at home to write down every term and its definition, and that's helped a lot. but that's just for me because i memorize things easily when i write them down

11 months ago

I know the struggle of these AP classes and they new vocab every 3 weeks.

some tips i can give you to study those words is quizlet or simply make your own vocab flash cards on paper.

some tips for any AP class is to stay on top and make sure that you have a great bond with your teacher because you need them to pass the class

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