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a year ago

do i have enough extracurriculars?

i'm currently a junior and have a 4.2 weighted GPA. so far, i've taken 2 dual enrollment, 2 AP, and 4 honors classes. i'm worried about my extracurriculars though, so i was hoping i could get a second opinion!

- ASB member for 2 years

- ASB leadership officer for 1 year

- Key Club secretary for 1 year

- Key Club president for 2 years

- NHS member

- girls' JV volleyball player for 1 year

- girls' volleyball varsity captain for 2 years

- volunteering on floor care at a hospital for 1 year

- attending church's youth group for 2 years

- AAPI club secretary for 3 years

- mental health club vice president for 1 year

- FFA member for 2 years

- premed club member for 1 year

- california scholarship federation member for 1 year

i don't really know if i should be taking more extracurriculars, or if i should be focusing on my academics more

take more extracurriculars
you have enough!
put more focus into academics
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a year ago

This depends on schools you want to get into, but you have already done a lot! I see a lot of leadership (something colleges love) and a variety of interests. It's important to balance everything, so I think taking on several more would be overwhelming. However, I will say that it may be wise to find ways to explore your career interests. EG, I am interested in floral/horticulture, so I have carved out time to study and experiment with both. It is a lot of fun, but my transcript will then show that I took the initiative to get into my career young. If you don't know what you want to do, pay attention to your happy spaces- what do you enjoy and what could you picture yourself doing for life? A lot of students merely choose a career b/c it pays well and then wind up bored with it after graduation. Find out what you love and spend time doing it. This counts as a EC if you spend a lot of time on it.

Hope this helps!

🎤a year ago

it does help, thank you :)


a year ago

i also agree and think that it does depend if you are seeking a scholarship and what schools you want to go to.

your list of extracurriculars is really impressive, however i do think you should join another extracurricular that is either a hobby or a sport. something that would show you have interests in things other than stuff that would help you get into college or help with your career. Like join an elective with your dual enrollment program (ceramics, painting, drama, short film, etc.)

it would show that you have interests and hobbies, making you well-rounded.

Other than that, i think that there is no way you aren't getting into an ivy league with the stuff you presented.

good luck!

🎤a year ago

thank youu! i don't plan on attending an ivy league but i hope to get into uc's and csu's like sdsu, uci, ucsd, etc.


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