10 months ago

College courses

Hi my name is Kayla. One of my teachers recommended that I take a college course, I'm not sure because i don't know if it would help my GPA? I'm just kind of confused about what taking a college course in high school does?

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10 months ago

Hello Kayla! Dual Enrollment classes at my school count the same as an AP/IB course for weighted gpa, at my school this is a 5.0 but it only counts for certain classes my state gives high school credit for. The courses are usually the same "level" as AP/IB courses but are taken usually at a community college or local 4 year. In my experience taking them at community colleges online the classes are usually a lot less overall work than AP/IB, but I suppose it depends on the class and college you take it at. For college credit, many colleges give you the same credit as AP classes, but I suggest you check what your top colleges accept for transfer credit from the college you plan to take them at. For dual enrollment courses you usually need a C or higher for credit at a four year college as opposed to a 3 or 4 on the AP exam, and you can always take the AP exam for the course you took dual enrollment for without taking the AP course (ex. I took the AP Microeconomics exam after taking dual enrollment Principles of Microeconomics).


10 months ago

Hi Kayla! I am also a Junior, and I am taking classes at my local community college. I would recommend taking Dual Credit courses if your school and local community college offer it. It can really help "knock out two birds with one stone"if you are at that level. If this is not an option for you, most colleges offer a lower tuition or even free tuition for High School Students, which is what I am doing. I know it can be overwhelming at times with your normal school as well as college classes, so I would highly recommend taking classes over the summer. Hope this helped!


10 months ago

hey i was also offered a college course but i denied it and I'm glad i did because it did not affect my high school it is your college gpa which is permint i hear my friends who take college courses and complain about the work and stress they be having. i think you should take it if your gonna be on it like crazy or better yet take a AP class which if you pass it helps u get money for college


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