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a year ago

I have a 3.25 unweighted how do i raise it?

I have 3.25 unweighted GPA and I want to raise it to at least 3.5 or more how do I do it? I mean, have been taking honors classes since 10th grade and I’m taking an AP class next semester and this semester I’ve taken a college class expect to be taking more but I’m still being told that my chances aren’t good for the colleges that I want to go to.

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a year ago

Make sure that you keep in mind that unweighted GPA is calculated the same regardless of if a class is Honors or AP/IB. If you're GPA is low becuse you don't understand the concepts in these harder classes, I would reccomend dropping down to the easier version of the class. A general rule of thumb I have is that a "B" in an Honors/AP Class is roughly the same as an "A" in a noraml class, and on. Say you have a "C" in APUSH, and you could get an "A" in regular US, then take regular US.

Also, don't forget that college admissions is a holostic review- meaning that they look at a bit of everything. Make sure that you grades dont drop, but also focus on getting a good SAT/ACT score by studying, and keep up some exrtaurriculars (for example, I do 2 varsity sports). For most schools, if your GPA doesn't make sense relative to your SAT Score (i.e. You got a C in english but scored 700+ on the Eng. portion of the SAT), they will go with your SAT Score. You can write about that in your aditional info section on the CommonApp, stating that the grades you got were not representattive of your atual abilities, and your SAT Score proves it.

Would you mind listing the colleges you want to go to? I would love to help you on your journey!

🎤a year ago

It kinda all over the place…


Nc state


App state

a year ago

Chapel Hill and NCSU are both super good... But it's a good target! I think that if you can write really good essays, you should be fine. And don't forget that colleges care about your story- if there is a reason your GPA dropped, you can explain it. Also, most colleges relcalculate your GPA based on their own scales, so you can't really make an assumption based on the reported GPA. Good Luck!

🎤a year ago

Thanks so much! You really uped my spirits. Im think about brainstorming essays some time soon. Could you maybe give me some ideas on how to start?

a year ago

Your parents are your best bet... sit down and brainstorm ideas with them. They know you better than you know yourself, and you will be surprised. Other than that, make sure to have good hooks and a consistent style!


a year ago

I'm pretty sure there are other ways but I know two ways to raise your GPA but it mostly depends on your school.

You can ask your counselor whether they offer credit recovery. Credit recovery is like a summer class that you have to retake and it usually takes I believe 4-6 months. The grade you get on your credit recovery subject will be switched with the grade you have in your transcript.

Another way is to just ask your teachers for help. Take extra classes if necessary but ask for help and you'll do good. Also colleges recalculate your grade in their own way so they'll account the AP and Honors classes which will boost your chances as well, similar to weighted GPA.

I would suggest talking to your counselor and find out more about credit recovery and other ways that they might offer. Hope this was helpful!

a year ago

The problem with Credit recovery is that you can only retake for Cs. If you already have a passing grade, but just not an A, then it is harder to raise your GPA. Extra classes are also sometimes hard to do. But if you can find a way to do both, or recover your grdes to a B or even an A, these are some great ideas!

a year ago

Yeah, my school district allows people to do credit recovery no matter the grade so I feel like the policy differs for different districts.

a year ago

I wish :sobbing:


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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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