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10 months ago

Will I be able to get accepted in my dream collage?

For some background I started off Freshman year with straight A's then they slowly started going down to B's and C's but in this semester I failed a class. I have a 3.0 unweighted and my dream college is La Sierra because they have a great criminal justice program. I have done extracurricular such as volunteering, participating in school clubs and sports, along joining a local program that involves criminal justice. I am also planning on raising that F but since it's an IB class I don't know if it'll look back on college applications. Is there anyway for me to get accepted or should I lose hope?

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2 answers

10 months ago

Get some help with the class you are failing whether it be an older student or a classmate. Most schools have peer tutoring programs where you can find help in classes you are struggling with. Do your best and maybe you'll be able to raise the F.

Ivy Assistant says that "most accepted students at La Sierra have a high school GPA between 3.0 and 3.5. A higher GPA can improve your chances of admission, but the university considers other factors in the application process as well." So stay active in ECs, get great test scores, letter of recs, and write a fabulous essay, starting earlier rather than later (

If you are unable to raise that F, a great way to prove yourself is to take an online community college class of the same subject. Not only will it help you master the concepts but it will show that you were willing to try to do better. If taking a cc course on is too much for senior year, you may be able to try taking it this summer.

No, I don't think you should lose hope. But you will need to work hard and get help for areas you are struggling. Keep doing your best and remember to have balance- sometimes our grades go down b/c we have too many other activities or simply aren't eating/sleeping well enough.

Hope this helps! If you have any questions, lmk :)

10 months ago

I think it could be helpful to remember that you still have a whole school year to improve your cumulative gpa. If you get good grades in your senior year, that could really improve your chances. I definitely don't think you should lose hope - the university you want to go to isn't that selective, and even if your gpa stays as a 3.0, if you get good test scores and/or have a good extracurricular resume, you have a good chance of getting in

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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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