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a year ago

First USA DSAT Upcoming! PLUS Incredible FREE study resources I love

The first DSAT for American students is officially March 9th!

Who’s registered/planning on registering?

I personally studied up on the DSAT’s structure and strategies last fall, and I thought some of you may appreciate the info and my favorite FREE study resources!

The DSAT is administered in the Bluebook app you download to your laptop/Chromebook. I installed it last fall so I could practice. OPEN APP BEFORE TEST DAY! Sometimes the system needs a 15-minute update and you don’t want that to happen on test day!

Here is information directly from Collegeboard on DSAT’s structure:

The digital SAT is composed of two sections: Reading and Writing and Math. Students have 64 minutes to complete the Reading and Writing section and 70 minutes to complete the Math section for a total of 2 hours and 14 minutes. Each section is divided into 2 equal length modules, and there is a 10-minute break between the Reading and Writing section and the Math section. The first module of each section contains a broad mix of easy, medium, and hard questions. Based on how students perform on the first module, the second module of questions will either be more difficult or less difficult.

Compared to the ACT®, the SAT provides 68% more time per question!

I know originally, everyone was very skeptical and negative about the digital transition; however, most differences are entirely to YOUR ADVANTAGE! Helpful facts for you:

1. The DSAT offers MORE time than the paper SAT and ACT. If you need more time per question the DSAT is better.

2. The ACT has less math and more reading than the SAT. (It also has a science section but this basically tests reading skills.) So, if your strength is math, the DSAT is the way to go.

3. DSAT has shorter reading passages than OG SAT. Instead of 3-4 long passages, there are many short ones.

4. The built-in Desmos calculator is amazing once you understand its tricks—I got an increase of over 100 POINTS after watching a couple short videos on Desmos! (I will recommend INCREDIBLE resources later in my post).

5. You have a built-in clock. At my paper SAT, I could not see the times on the whiteboard and therefore could not manage my time well. It was horrible!

Warning: this does not mean you should expect it to be easy-peasy. They are finding other ways to trick you, such as asking how to translate a math problem vs. just the actual answer.

So, how can you study up?

I am compiling a list of FREE study resources I have highly benefited from:

1. Youtube! There are lots of free videos. Some of my favorites were Strategic Test Prep and Method Learning’s Desmos calculator series! These videos have been lifesavers.

2. Khan Academy. Yes, I know, basic Khan Academy. HOWEVER, I practiced with Khan for 10-20 minutes every day for a month and saw a 200+ increase! Practice, practice, practice!

3. Don’t burn through the Bluebook practice tests. There is only 4 so you need to save them. I recommend looking up free practice tests or buying a book of tests if you really want to. Some places with free practice questions are Collegeboard, CrackSAT, Varsity Tutors, Magoosh, and PrepScholar. I also have heard amazing things about the Preptly App! Unfortunately, it is not compatible with my phone.

Study Strategies

1. Take practice test to identify strengths and weaknesses. ALWAYS go back and learn from your mistakes! This is how you progress.

2. Practice, practice, practice! Learn Desmos and regularly keep a habit of a few questions per day.

3. Make time. You have to set aside time to reach your goals. Along with that, have a set goal. Know what score you’re aiming for.

4. Know when to stop. Too much studying is too much; these tests should NOT take over your life. Also, it’s ok to be test-optional; tests aren’t for everyone, even great students have issues! Don’t waste your time on something unattainable when you could be maintaining that GPA!

5. Once in a while take a practice test to evaluate your improvement. Every couple weeks is my recommendation if you are taking the March DSAT.

I hope this helps some of you be less nervous! You can do this, and I’m here if you have any questions! LMK below if you do :)

Also, I will try to make another post week before the DSAT so I can share preparation tips for the week and day of!

Happy Studying!

Taking March DSAT!
Sticking with ACT
International student
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🎤11 months ago

You guys, I just went from a 1320 to a 1420 practice SAT score after studying daily for under 3 weeks using the STP workbooks I recommended!!! YAY! These workbooks are seriously amazing.


🎤11 months ago

I know I mentioned Strategic Test Prep's Youtube channel. They have 2 workbooks, Math and English, and are offering their English book for FREE rn!! You just have to sign up for their email list and then you get a digital 400+ page study book with TONS of practice questions! I also bought the Math book ($25) and it is SO worth it!

Please know I am not advertising :) Just telling you all about an amazing study resource many of you may benefit from!

11 months ago


Thank you so much for mentioning the English textbook is free! I just looked at it and it will be a helpful resource with my studying for the DSAT! Thanks again!!!

🎤11 months ago

No problem :) I am actually studying the workbook rn! Also, the company's founder, Laura Whitmore, has designed the Preptly App (she talks about this in her super helpful Youtube videos) and it is 50% rn. Sadly, my device is not compatible :(

🎤11 months ago

And the Math workbook is worth way more than 25 bucks!


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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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