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11 months ago


Idk what my issue is but I’m terrified of not getting into a good school and being like a forever loser, it feels like I’m just painfully average and my grades are just getting worse and worse, like even when I tell myself I’m finna lock in it js feels like nothing changes no matter how much I try.

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11 months ago

Hi @Seanm12!

I am sorry you are so worried. I wrote a post for students just like you that you may appreciate:

Please reach out to me if there is any way I can help you/offer advice. High school can be hard to get through. I want to encourage you that no one is average unless they choose to be. You were born with a special purpose and for a specific reason; sometimes it takes awhile to discover this reason. Discover what you love, where you are happiest, and what things you enjoy. Then, think about and research how to use that gift or passion. Eg, I enjoyed gardening all through middle school but I didn't know how to get anywhere with that. From field trips, websites like BigFuture, and personal experience, I learned that I had a hidden passion for floral design. Then I pursued it. It took effort but I found ways to learn and develop as a floral designer. Suddenly, I did not feel average; I was doing something beautiful that blessed people's hearts.

You too have a hidden passion, something you were designed to do for life. It takes time to learn this, sometimes even failure. I can honestly say I tried so many hobbies and discovered that some were just going to remain hobbies-I wasn't designed to do those things for my life work. Don't be afraid to explore, experiment, and eliminate options! You DO have special work to do and when you find it, motivation comes easier. Now that I know I want to do floral design, I work hard to stay on top of schoolwork so I can use my extra time with flowers. See how the incentive keeps me going? Find an incentive or maybe several so you have a bigger goal you are working towards, not just getting good grades but a bigger reason to do your best!

I hope this helps! LMK if there is any thing I can help you with or any advice you need. You can do this!


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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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