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11 months ago

Studying for the SAT/Motivating Myself


I have attempted several times to motivate myself to study for the upcoming SAT exam, which is scheduled in a month and a half, but I always end up procrastinating. How can I motivate myself to study for the SAT? Also, is it too early to start studying?

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11 months ago

It's great that you're recognizing the need for motivation! To kickstart your studying, try setting small, achievable goals and rewarding yourself for completing them. Break down your study sessions into manageable chunks and create a schedule to keep yourself accountable. As for timing, starting a month and a half before the SAT is ideal. You'll have enough time to cover all the material without feeling rushed.


11 months ago

No, it is not too early. I agree with @tayyabasajjadd about starting a month and a half before. Cramming a couple weeks before is not ideal. It normally takes approx. 1-2 months to raise your score by 100 or more points.

As for motivation, have a goal-the bigger the better. Eg, I want a better score so I can get a bigger scholarship, have less debt, and ultimately be able to open a business sooner. This motivates me to take studying seriously. Smaller incentives help, too. It may sound silly but things like "Once I finish this many pages I can eat a chocolate." or "When I practice this many problems, I can take a break and spend x minutes to do." Incentives do help!

Have daily study sessions like @tayyabasajjadd recommended. For the workbooks I mentioned in a previous post I shared with you, I began with the goal of 15 pages of each workbook daily. I also review root/suffix/prefix flashcards daily to help with vocabulary (great list provided in the English workbook.) I am doing more now that the March SAT is about 16 days away.

Once you get into it, it's really not horrible. It is such a habit for me that SAT studying is a normal part of my day. If you have trouble fitting in select time chunks for studying, the Preptly app (which I can't use because of my phone model :( ) I have mentioned is great for on the bus or whenever you have a couple minutes. Just a little makes a difference.

Hope this helps. You can do this Amelia! In the end, you will not regret the time you spent studying.


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