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9 months ago

Junior Year Academic Struggles

I am trying to select classes for senior year, and I want to take a bunch of honors and AP classes because that's what I enjoy. But, I have friends who are saying that I'll burn out, and it's causing some major stress for me. I have an unsteady home life, so I throw myself all in with academics to keep me busy. So, another fear is that if I don't take these classes I'll be miserable.

Take all Honors & AP
Don't Take Them
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9 months ago

I recommend taking honors and APs if you truly enjoy them. It is important to do what you enjoy!

However, if there are other things that are important to you- like friends you enjoy hanging out with regularly or activities/hobbies- leave time for those things as well. This may mean choosing 1 non honor/AP class just to give you some breathing space. It is great if you thrive on study, but we all need some balance in our lives to be healthy students! I have found that leaving time for the things I love besides school actually improves my grades. Spending time on hobbies refreshes your brain and also provides incentives to focus when you need to study. Because I have a balance of hard classes AND things I like to do, I am a much better, well-balanced student.


9 months ago

Personally I say don't overwhelm yourself with too many rigorous courses. You have to take into account the college applications and scholarships you will be applying for during your senior year. It is still good to maintain a decent course strength, but you do not to need to go above and beyond. Burnout is a very real thing, especially for second semester seniors. But if you do think it will be best for you, I say do it.


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