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7 months ago

What to do as an upcoming junior?

I'm almost done with my sophomore year and I'm not exactly sure what I want to do yet. I love being in my schools marching band and I've very proud to be the drum major. As for scholarships or just looking into colleges, what are some good places to look at in Oklahoma?

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7 months ago

Just some suggestions

- University of Oklahoma (OU):

Located in Norman, Oklahoma.

Offers a variety of scholarships, including some for music and leadership.

Strong programs in music and performing arts.

Campus life includes a vibrant marching band culture.

- Oklahoma State University (OSU):

Located in Stillwater, Oklahoma.

Offers scholarships for academic achievement, leadership, and involvement in extracurricular activities.

Known for its spirited marching band, the Cowboy Marching Band.

- University of Tulsa (TU):

Located in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Offers scholarships for academic merit, leadership, and talent in music.

Strong programs in music and performing arts, including opportunities to participate in marching band activities.

- Oklahoma City University (OCU):

Offers scholarships for academic achievement, leadership, and talent in music and performing arts.

Renowned for its music and performing arts programs, including opportunities to join the Spirit of Grace Marching Band.

- East Central University (ECU):

Located in Ada, Oklahoma.

Offers various scholarships for academic merit, leadership, and involvement in extracurricular activities.

Provides opportunities to participate in marching band activities as part of the Tiger Marching Band.


7 months ago

To answer ur question on scholarships, a great place to start is Niche and also! When u make ur account they can customize the options to what best suits you. They’ve got scholarships that require essays as well as ones that don’t. You can earn $500 or even $150,000! There are so many options!


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