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7 months ago

SAT Scares

So, I didn't really think the SAT was "required," but my Dad is really pushing on me to take it. When he first heard me say, "I don't want to take the SAT," he sounded astonished and I had to say he heard me wrong before I lied and said that I planned to.

I get really stressed out on tests, and it definitely impacts my scores, which is why I don't really don't want to take the SAT. I hear things about it being 3x harder than the ACT, which I'm already not even proud of my scores on anyways.

So I guess I'm asking two questions?

- Is the SAT hard?


- Do I HAVE to take the SAT, or is it just recommended?

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7 months ago

Most Colleges do not require you to give your SAT score but most scholarships do. The SAT is a test that's only as hard as you make it out to be. My advice to you is to just take it and if you like your score use it; if not, dont.


7 months ago

If you're taking the computer version, it will only get difficult if you do well in the first sections. So it's important to do your best even if the questions seem easy. The test is trying to challenge you, but if you're familiar with the vocabulary and the ways they try to trick you it will be easier. Personally I would recommend taking it. Even if your score isn't the best it's important to know where you stand. And, if you are to do well, it can only increase your chances of getting accepted into college. And if you do not so good, don't submit your score it's no issue. Good luck.


6 months ago

No one “has to” take the SAT. There are schools that are test-optional and they don’t really care. However, there are more and more schools (especially selective schools) returning to requiring test scores because they were admitting students who could not entirely handle the Ivy League style, which is sort of what the SAT requires in order to get a excellent score. Applying test optional is not a long as you KNOW the college will still be test-optional when you apply. Reach out to the schools you will apply to and ask if they plan on remaining test-optional for the year you would apply.

Is the SAT hard? Yes! It is hard, but you can do well with the right study plan and accurate materials. It IS conquerable. I went from under 1090 to a 1390 after studying up well on concepts I had forgotten. You can do it…you just have to stay committed, motivated, and diligent. Think about it this way: if the schools you want to attend require a score, it’s going to matter to you. If you REALLY want to go to that university, the SAT will totally be worth the fuss.

Please let me know if you have any questions! I would be happy to offer some advice or suggest some great self-paced study materials. You CAN do this!


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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