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7 months ago

SAT and ACT = Pointless


I already took the SATs in March and was very happy to finally see a score above 980, especially because it was the first time I ever got above 1000. I signed up for the May one in a few days and feel discouraged, especially when I feel like I would do worse than the first one I took before. My dad is also trying to corner me into taking the ACTs, but I feel like there's no point trying especially when I already have a bad score. I'm so done with tests because I know that I am not smart, and the world keeps trying to convince me that to be successful in life, I need some SATs to determine my future. I don't know what to do and honestly want to stop with school even with my 3.9 GPA from last year and good extracurriculars. I don't think adults realize that on top of the SATs and ACT, we also have class tests we need to prepare for and other stuff we need to do like extracurriculars, etc. My main point or question is, Should I continue trying to impress parents who don't even seem to understand me? Honestly, I feel like with my goal of getting an 1100, that's pretty good for me.

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6 months ago[edited]

I just took the ACT last month, and while there are differences (ACT lets you use a calculator), they are both essentially tests used by colleges. And they are both tests. Tests that won't accurately reflect the person you are.

I'm not sure taking a different test will improve your score much. Maybe evaluate your college list too. Each college has a different test score range they want to see. If you are perfectly happy with your score, then stick with your score. If you want to shoot higher, then go for it.

Your parents just want you to be the best that you can and take advantage of all the resources you can. However, you know yourself and whether or not you're at test-burnout level. Also, I've read that taking the test more than two or three times generally doesn't improve a student's score. We high schoolers have a lot on our plate without adding the extra pressure of getting a certain test score.

If you think you can get into your chosen college with the score you have or without it, don't stress about it.

Good luck and hope that helps!


6 months ago

First of all, I want to say, don't give up. It's ok if you can't score what you want on the SAT/ACT. You are still amazing and you can still be successful.

However, please seriously consider what colleges you are trying to get into. If there are any top schools, please know that most are slowly returning to test requirements. Also, I am sure there are other schools that still require it. If you want to apply test-optional, you will be limited to schools that will ensure you they will be test-optional the year you apply.

The other thing I will say is that some people do better on one test than another. A lot of people have told me the ACT is worth a try; they are different enough that you may or may not do better.

Also, consider why you SAT score was lower than you wanted. Did you misunderstand the test format and questions or have you forgotten a lot of key concepts?

Yes, these tests are very frustrating and as a good student, I can agree that your SAT score doesn't fully reflect your academic abilities. Don't let the pressure from your parents drag you down; hard as it is, try to be gracious and kindly explain how hard and draining this is for you. But do listen to them and consider. It is very possible that the schools you may want to apply to would require test scores.

Hope this helps and please lmk if you have any questions or need resources for the SAT. I haven't taken the ACT so I can't give much advice there, but I am very familiar with some great, self-paced SAT materials.


6 months ago

honestly, it is so important to remember that your future and college stuff if for YOU and not your parents. you have a pretty good GPA and it sounds like your extracurriculars are pretty strong, so I wouldn't really be worrying about it. however, if the colleges you are interested in are test score mandatory, they will affect your chances a bit. i recommend looking at the colleges you want and seeing if they're test optional, and if they aren't seeing how much they would weigh your test scores into your chances. but it sounds like you're pretty good to go . if it helps, i didn't even take the SAT, and i'm looking at colleges like Rice and Brown with pretty okay chances. just remember that parents are only trying to do what's best for you and sometimes don't understand that you can and have to figure out your own future. goodluck and i hope it turns out well for you!

6 months ago

Make sure you check- Brown and Rice may require scores now!

6 months ago

thank you. i did take the ACT and am going to again (twice) so i have mandatory test scores covered, but thanks again for your concern!


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