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6 months ago

Free Class Period


I will be a senior next year, and at my school, most seniors have the option to have 2 free class periods. Juniors can also have 1 free class period, and most of my classmates did that this year, but I had a full schedule of AP/advanced classes and it became stressful and my grades dropped a little. I am thinking of taking only 6 classes next year (AP Literature and Composition, AP Calculus BC, AP Physics C, AP Gov/Econ (which count as one class since they are both one-semester courses), AP French IV, and an elective class) so I would have one free class period to work on my extracurriculars and college applications.

Would this look bad for very selective schools, like Ivy League schools? There aren't a lot of other classes I could take that relate to what I'm interested in, and I'm honestly not that enthusiastic about adding another class when I could spend that time on my extracurriculars outside of school. There's AP Psych and electives like creative writing, but I don't think there are as many seniors in those classes as underclassmen and I feel like at my school, electives like creative writing are easy, busy-work classes and I would be better off spending more time on my extracurriculars.

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6 months ago

I personally agree with you; classes are not everything and you do need time to focus on ECs and college applications. Focus on what you are passionate about. Colleges definitely notice and appreciate when you actively pursue your passion. I have left time in my schedule in my junior year and I have no regrets! I now have so much clarity on the exact direction I want to go and have portfolio + floral design certificates to show that I did indeed pursue my interest.

So yes, I highly recommend a free class period!

🎤6 months ago

Exactly! Thanks, this makes me more confident!


6 months ago

i HIGHLY recommend having a free class period so you can not only focus on your classes and have more time to work on them, but also it helps with burnout, and it gives you more time to work on ec's and even applications. having an hour or so to just relax (especially as a senior) is SO important. your classes will simply be worth a little bit more on your overall GPA since free periods aren't worth anything GPA-wise, but it sounds like you're incredibly smart and competent and will ace your classes.

🎤6 months ago

Thanks! I appreciate your advice!


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