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6 months ago

Community service

I am going into my senior year with not a lot of community service. I was wondering what kind of community service colleges are looking for? What community service can I do to make my application stronger?

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6 months ago

Hey there! :)

I've found that colleges don't really care what kind of community service you're doing, it's more your intentions! You want to take part in service that actively displays you're trying to better your community and is something you're passionate about. For example, if you love animals, volunteering at your local shelter or hosting a supply-drive is a great thing to do, since it not only displays an act of service, but one you actually care about doing.

There are tons of ways to participate in community service! You can pick up trash outside, host donation/fund-drives within your community, volunteer at a local shelter or soup kitchen, offer free lessons in something you're passionate about (sports, art, music, etc.) to people in your community, make cards to send to a local hospital/shelter/nursing home, host a walk/fun run/fundraiser event for charity, etc. The possibilities for service are endless, and any act done for the betterment of others that doesn't generate you financial profit counts as an act of service.

Also, whenever you participate in service, make sure to log it somewhere as soon as you're done! Make a spreadsheet, Google Doc, note, etc. where you write down the date/time of service and a short description of what you did. This will help keep you organized and up to date on all of your hours. It can be super hard to try and recollect past service acts accurately, and you can end up forgetting things you've done, so I strongly suggest doing something like this!

I hope this helps! Best of luck to you! <3


6 months ago

If you do any through clubs, such as a yearly trip to a hospice (or something similar) that totally counts. You can also research nonprofits in your area, a lot of times its really simple. I called a dog shelter and now I just come in once a week for a few hours. You can also do "unofficial" (not through an org or club) service, such as tutoring underclassmen. If you have any skills, such as graphic design, you could volunteer your skills to serve your community, such as designing banners to advertise school events. Hope this helps!!


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