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5 months ago

Is getting financial aid from uni's that hard as an international from Egypt?

Hi, I am a rising junior (going to grade 11) from Egypt.

Due to the financial circumstances that my country is going through, I will not have a chance of paying even a fraction of the fees to study in the U.S., Will colleges and universities in the U.S. be willing to help a student like me? I am not the best in academics in my school, My current GPA is 3.8, 3.85, or something like that, but I expect to increase it to 3.9 at least. I also do some extracurricular like research in prestigious programs like Pioneer and Lumiere with full financial aid, I will also attend The Experiment Digital program which is a cultural exchange program between Arab students and US ones, I currently do not have any noticeable awards or anything, but I expect to be at least in the top 3 in my category in National ISEF, and I expect to be one of the top 500 in RISE, I will train for the ACT, but the problem is that I am awful at math, and chemistry, which will affect my math and science scores really badly, and Im not even the best reader of English, so I expect to get a 31 or 32 in ACT, which I believe colleges consider bellow-average for an international applying for aid, from my top uni's that I will apply to is Pitzer College, Pomona, Dartmouth, Weslyan, WashU & Lee, Haverford, and Williams college (Not in any order, just found these ones interesting, and did some searching about Pitzer specifically and thought that it is really cool). Do you think I will stand a chance or should I forget US unis and focus on somewhere else?

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5 months ago

I think that if you do some hard research and get support from professionals, you have a great chance of getting financial aid. Look into high-school college advising organizations as they will help you achieve excellent college applications and get into U.S. schools (CollegeWise is a good one). Also, I took the ACT a couple months ago, and I know that the science section is more about how you correctly interpret the graphs/figures they give you versus excelling on science topics. If you want a little more info about the ACT personally, let me know. Personally, I know Williams offer a lot of scholarship options, which is why it was on my radar for a while. Finally, the United States holds over 3000 colleges(!), so you have many options, and there are many colleges that really helps international students and awards financial aid for them.

Hope that helps, and good luck!

🎤5 months ago

It would be great if you could help me with the ACT because it might be my biggest problem next to the awards problem. I would appreciate it if you could provide me reliable materials to study from. Especially for Math and science, and thank you!


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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