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5 months ago


Hello, I am a 16 year old Junior, and I have some choices for college. I have no idea what to do. I want to go to community college because they have an aviation program so I could become a pilot and earn my licence, then probably go to college for my med degree, therefore I have that. Then go to the airforce and practice for a pilot or something there. But also I really wanna go to a normal college for Med School, to become a doctor just alone. I really don't know what I should do or any paths I should take, can someone help me out?

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5 months ago

Hello! Have you looked into Civil Air Patrol? Civil Air Patrol is a program for high schoolers. Through Civil Air Patrol, you can fly orientation flights, go to cadet flight academies, rank up and then transfer into the Air Force to become an Officer, and get scholarships for your Private Pilots License. You can join until you are 18 but if you join before you turn 18, you can remain a Cadet until you are 21. Civil Air Patrol also has emergency services programs & a medical academy which could help you see if you are interested in healthcare! I would really recommend trying it out. Also if you join Civil Air Patrol, you don't have to join the air force, but if you do decide you want to join, being a part of civil air patrol will help you alot. You can go to the Air Force's Medical School and they'll pay for it which is also an option if you do want to go that route. If you're not sure about what you want to do first, I would recommend you look into the Air Force Academy and try to join the Air Force. They'll pay for your Bachelor's Degree and help pay for your pilot's license.

You could also just get a scholarship from Civil Air Patrol and pursue your pilot's license while doing undergrad at a normal college before going to medical school. (what I'm thinking of doing hehe). The sky's the limit! Just take all the options, pros, and cons into account and pick whichever you think you'll enjoy more. Don't rush things :)) I wish you luck and if you have any questions, feel free to ask me! You have lots of time to do everything you want to.


5 months ago

you can also enlist in the air force and they do pay for your college! If you want to become something in the medical field but also be in the air force there’s tons of different options. you can always still join and move your way up!


5 months ago

Hey there, I really don't know much about the airforce, but often, high schools have special days when people from the navy, airforce, and military come to talk/answer questions for prospective recruits. Then you can ask questions about med school and becoming a pilot.


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