2 months ago

Passion Projects are just....projects, right?????

I've been scrolling this thing for like 10 minutes and have come to the conclusion that I have no idea what a passion project is. Like, I'm an artsy-fartsy kid so I also thought a passion project was just, like, a project that's substantial but completely independent like an animation or something. What are they???? Help???

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 months ago

In my opinion, a passion project is a project that you have work to show that you have repeatedly done that activity to show that you are passionate towards that activity. For example, for art kids, great examples include things like folding 10,000 paper cranes in the past year, having a large YouTube animation channel, raising funds for artists, selling/making many costumes, pottery etc. An art portfolio might count (as long as it’s not for school like my art portfolio for the pre-art major track in high school). The only reason why I don’t say that it must show dedication towards a particular job/community is because at least in my opinion, colleges look for who you are. As far as I’m aware, there is not a single person working in the fields I am passionate about or want to pursue. This makes it impossible to donate to a community when I’m still in the process of making one. As long as your passion project is great in number (without exaggerating) or have done a lot to prove you have done it for a long time and is coherent with the rest of your application as to how you want to display yourself, I think that project can be considered a passion project unless it’s like “I have drawn hydras for 6 years” and instead something like “This is my webcomic with 120 pages, which is posted three times a week and is about fictional hydras called (insert title) discussing about modern philosophical ideas in a fun way and has over 50k views combined.” (I just put in random numbers, not sure what colleges will deem as impressive). Passion projects are specific to you alone and should not be because someone you know or someone online says it. It has to be specific TO YOU. It’s a way to show creativity for the most part (compared to other EC types). However if you display it well and have good numbers about it (numbers are your friends), it can also show dedication, impact, determination, helpfulness, resourcefulness, resilience, passion, perseverance etc.

Remember, the key to a passion project is to BE SPECIFIC and unique. You don’t want to be buried in a sea or artists. There has to be something unique about you that you can display through art.

Hope this helps,

SilverDragon (11th-rising 12th, Class of 2025, from Japan)

2 months ago

A passion project is so much more than just a project. It shows colleges that you are dedicated in your career and putting effort towards it. As an art student, for example, you could raise funds and help artists in poor areas get supplies. This would tell colleges that you are dedicated to your community and to your field of work. Colleges really want to know who you are, and thorough a passion project you can make an image for yourself. For instance, that you are a young artist who is dedicated to their work and also cares about others in the field.

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