2 months ago

senior year schedule

i’m struggling a lot with creating my senior year schedule. i am running out of space in my schedule, and im unsure if the schedule i have will be far too rigorous. for background i have taken 6 AP classes and done well in them, and i am interested in a pre healthcare field.

basically here is my current picked out schedule:

1- ap lit (i am required to take a senior yr english class, ive alr taken ap lang and gotten a 5 on the exam so i feel like taking the ap test for this class would be unnecessary? i can’t take another english class bc my school doesn’t offer any honors so it would bring down my gpa)

2- ap stats (ive alr done ap calc)

3- ap psychology

4- ap chemistry (im so scared)

5- ap gov (this is a req at my school)

6- ap macro (also a req)

i don’t want to take the AP exam for 5&6 would that be fine?

7- yearbook honors ( editor in chief)

8- now my school does this thing where we can take gym in the morning before school starts so we can fit in an extra class, i took ap spanish last yr and got a 5 on the exam, so do you think it would be a good idea to put spanish 5 honors by creating an extra spot in my schedule? i rly do not want to bc i hate the mornings but ive heard doing spansih all 4 yrs can be very beneficial especially since my school has that class as a dual enrollment class.

anyway, i am very stressed out and very unsure with what to finalize as my schedule, and i am very nervous about this workload especially since it is my senior year which everyone says is supposed to be chill.

any help would be much much appreciated thank you so much

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2 months ago

Hey! First off, because this is your junior year, you will be admitted before you get your AP exam scores back. Thus, don't worry to much about taking or not taking the AP Tests! However, taking the AP Exam can save you a TON of money, as instead of having to pay $6,000 for a class (I.e. chem, English, gov, etc. which may be mandatory courses), you will only pay $100 for the exam. Also, AP Lit and Lang are two very different classes. AP Stats is super fun and useful, I wouldd highly recommend you keep it. AP Gov/Macro there isn't much you can do; I had them waived by dual enrollment at my school. Yearbook is good to continue. And as far as Spanish goes, colleges say 4 years meaning "Sp. 1,2,3,4/AP." In other words, they are looking for consistency. You already got a 5 on the exam, so its optional. But if you think you will be stressing yourself too much, I wouldn't recommend it. If you want to take the challenge, though, go for it! It does show schools your senior year course load.

My recommendations:

1. Lit (Much better than taking regular)

2. Stats (Easy and fun)

3. Psych (Taking this next year too lol)

4. Chem (good luck, if you are going into a chem field take this, if you can take physics or bio depending on which major you are applying to/availability at your school)

5. Gov (Req.) Exam doesn't really matter but saves you ton of money if you pass.

6. Macro (Req.) Exam doesn't really matter but saves you ton of money if you pass

7. Yearbook If you continuing it, it's good. If EIC doesn't really mean anything, I won't recommend it.

8. Spanish 5 Honors. Optional, really up to you on if you want to take the stress

Good luck!

🎤2 months ago

thank you so much i rly appreciate this response!! with regards to the ap tests for gov and macro the only reason i was thinking of not taking the ap exams is because they won’t align with my major so the credit won’t be able to used? i also know there’s a 10 credit cut off for aps at some of the schools im applying to so im not sure if they’ll be necessary in that case

2 months ago

Makes sense; Only take them if most schools on your list will accept them!


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