2 months ago

Law Passion Project

Hey, my name is Fardowsa and I wanted to know some passion project i can do for law. I am going into my senior year of high school in august and I am currently thinking about starting a mock trial club at my school but I am unsure if i can put a mock trial club as a passion project when I haven't started the competition by the time I send in my college application. So if you guys know any passion projects I can do please let me know. :)

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 months ago

Starting a mock trial club is an excellent idea for a passion project related to law, even if you haven't yet participated in competitions by the time you apply for college.

Colleges value initiative and leadership. Starting a mock trial club demonstrates your ability to take initiative, organize events, and potentially lead a group of peers.

Even if the club hasn't competed yet by the time of your college application, you can discuss your plans for the club, the steps you’ve taken to establish it, and the anticipated impact on your school community. Admissions officers appreciate students who are proactive and forward-thinking.

Begin planning and organizing the club as soon as possible. Document your efforts, such as recruiting members, securing a faculty advisor, drafting a club constitution, and planning meetings or practice sessions.

In your college application essays or interviews, articulate why you are passionate about law, why you chose to start a mock trial club, and what you hope to achieve with the club in the future. You can highlight what you hope to gain from starting the club—such as improving public speaking skills, understanding legal concepts, and fostering critical thinking—and how this aligns with your future academic and career goals in law.

If possible, consult with a teacher or mentor who can provide advice and support as you launch the club. Their endorsement can also strengthen your application.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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