2 months ago

Digital SAT Prep: Prep Scholar and Khan Academy

What are your opinions on using PrepScholar to study for Digital SAT? How should it be used alongside khan academy?

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2 months ago[edited]

I do not know how different the SAT is from the ACT, but I took the ACT my sophomore year. I used Khan Academy as my main study base. I've never tried PrepScholar but that was due to the price and I did not want to pay for a program that could possibly not help me. Khan Academy, however, really helped with my math and science skills. I scored a 16 on the math my first try, I know this is not the best but if it wasn't for Khan Academy I would have scored even lower. I also saw improvement in my science because I actually could take practice tests without having to stop and search up things. I even use Khan Academy as a way to study what I learned in my math classes, due to the fact that math is not my best subject at all. I will most likely also use the website when I begin taking College Algebra this year. Overall, I think Khan Academy is a great website to practice math and science skills and I will be using it again on my upcoming ACT test.


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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