2 months ago

I need some advice on how to stay balanced throughout tough classes and high school sports

I am taking 8 classes first semester and that's also when I help score volleyball and basketball, and also when open gyms for softball start. Thankfully, our softball season doesn't start "officially" until end of March and beginning of April. I also will be in a club that helps out with concessions and things so I'll already be busy most Friday nights, then still games as well then study for the big tests (SAT and ACT). So yeah, I was just wondering if anyone had good advice because I will be very, VERY busy and I want to keep a 4.0 through my junior and senior year so I can get into good colleges.


Med terminology (1-semester, dual credit, online class)

Honors English

Algebra 2/trig


AP world history


Health Occ

Wellness then weight training or humanities.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 months ago

Look into time management methods, like time blocking, to know what you're going to be doing each day and how much to dedicate to class vs extracurriculars. Don't push yourself if something doesn't fit into your schedule.

a month ago

I had a very rigorous schedule last year, with 4 aps/de and a sports schedule of around 30 hours/week. It was tough, but here’s what helped me the most to stay on track :)

1. GOOGLE CALENDAR … i know it’s definitely recommended a lot right now, but trust me, time blocking your week every sunday really helps

2. meal and snack prepping on the weekend so you don’t have to get up and extra half hour early to make your fancy breakfast sandwich haha

3. Figure out where you study best. If it’s in a library, go as often as possible. I work best with noise and things going on, so i got unlimited sip club and did my homework at panera. It was pricey, but ended up being way less than i would have spent at a starbucks if i studied there everyday. (obviously if this isn’t in your budget it’s totally fine there’s plenty of other ways to be productive but it’s just a suggestion that helped me)

3. Put the phone in another room/some sort of sleep focus mode. I hate it when people say “sleep more” because it’s so hard when you have so much work to do, but when you are sleeping, you need to be SLEEPING

4. print out a calendar for each month at the beginning of the semester at your school library to hang on your wall, put all of your due dates/tests in there, and then put how you are going to complete that into your google calendar each week

5. Find an app that stops you from using your phone. I use Bakery because it’s easy to use and free but I know there’s one with a little forest that many people like

Hope this helps, best of luck!

(sorry about the typos/lack of capitalization)

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