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5 months ago

Junior year schedule advice

It’s my junior year and I’m really struggling to find a balance between my academic life and peace. Last year I took 3 aice classes, 3 honors, 1 regular, and although I passed all my classes including aice (2 as 1 c) I was constantly stressed, so bad to the point my hair was falling out. This year I’m at a new school and they do not offer AICE classes, so I’ve had to accommodate to Aps and dual enrollments. I don’t want to over exert myself again but also don’t want to under achieve. I currently have a 4.0 GPA and want to pursue a career in healthcare/medicine.

This is my current schedule:

AP Pre calculus

AP United States History

Dual Enrollment College Alg (1st sem)+ Dual enrollment Anatomy and Physiology (sem 2)

Dual Enrollment English comp 1 and 2

Physics 1 honors

AP environmental science

Health Foundations

I’m worried this schedule may not be rigorous enough for junior year and may not properly reflect my interest in medicine.( I’m not taking an ap directly linked to medicine such as ap psych, bio, chem).

Additionally I was considering maybe starting my own organization, and participating in clubs like HOSA. But since I’m uncertain on whether I am or not it’s hard to determine whether I should up my load or not. I just don’t want to regret either taking on too much or too little.

I’ve considered switching ap enviro to psych but if I do my whole schedule would shift. ( I currently like all my teachers and classmates in all my classes) From my understanding junior year is supposed to be the toughest and most important year. I want to look impressive academically but I don’t want to be constantly crying and stressed, is that bad or even possible? I understand that somethings will have to be sacrificed for others but just from this what would you guys recommend I do?

If it helps I want to attended one of the following schools:

University of Florida

University of South Florida

University of Auburn

University of Alabama

University of Miami

University of Georgia

Florida State University

Thank you guys so much for tuning in please let me know what I should do!! 🙏🙏

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