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2 months ago

My Stats

Hi! My dream schools are Stanford/MIT and I've been contemplating my future decisions to increase my chances with getting in as I've realized that I haven't been participating enough community-wise. As a junior, I understand how important getting out there and having good time management is, but I just haven't been able to figure out the right balance between my academic and social life. I feel like I really need a positive voice on what to do (like a tips and tricks), so if there's anyone out there I would really appreciate it!


- I have taken 4 AP classes (freshman to sophomore), currently taking 5 this year, and likley 5 next year too

- 4 on my AP World History (9th), 5 on my Environmental Science (10th), 3 on my AP Psychology (9th), and 5 on my AP Art History (10th) exam.

- I've taken 7 honors classes since freshman year.

- 4.0 gpa unweighted, 4.8 weighted

- 3 language credits (Spanish)


- Model United Nations (MUN): An active participant

- Science National Honor Society (SNHS): participated in a few contests/competitions (placed 2nd in one of the regional competitions last year)

- African Heritage Club: Non-board member (very small board), committee advisor role, coordinating/organization assistant (assisted with Black History Month Showcase last school year)

Recetly joined:

-Key Club, Debate Club, Women's Union, Spanish & Japanese Honor Society, HOSA, and Psychology Club, National Honor Society (NHS)


-Tutoring (Science and English)

-Babysitting (over 15 children)

-Food shelter/Donation drives

-Golf (have been playing since I was 4)

-Swim (although I am not on the swim team, I like to swim anytime I can)


- About 150 community service hours

- I've been trying to apply for Dual Enrollment this year, but I'm struggling on what would help me reinforce my major (Computer Engineering/Biomedical Sciences)

- I've been trying to checkmark everything off since freshman year but I still feel as though I'm behind the curve or that I'm not prepared enough for this new school year.

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2 months ago

Honestly, you're doing so amazing. Trying to get like you chat. On the terms of balance, I sort of plan stuff out, not exactly to the T, but like I know on Tuesday I'm hanging out with {Blank} so I push my study time to later or I try to finish my work earlier so I can spend more time out. I don't think there's gonna be 100% balance, but at least prioritize stuff and explain to people if you can't hang out and stuff. As I mentioned earlier, you're doing fantastic. Hope this helps.

🎤2 months ago

Thank you so much, I've taken this into consideration and will definitely apply some of your tips


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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