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2 months ago


I just started my junior year and I'm stressing so much about my college search. upenn is my dream school, but I don't think I'll be able to get in, so I've been looking at other schools. I'd love to attend the University of Washington Seattle because it's in-state and provides what I want to major and minor in, but I'm even stressing about getting in there. my school is relatively small so it only offers 9 honors & 5 AP courses total. I've taken 8/9 honors and I'm currently taking an AP course (we're not allowed to take APs till junior year). I'm involved in FBLA, FFA, NHS, have previously done NHD, Yearbook, Volleyball, and Tennis (might join DECA & FCCLA). I have a 3.95 weighted GPA and I am unsure of my class rank. This year I'm going to try and get a lot of volunteer hours, but I'm struggling with how else I can boost my college resume. I have also yet to take the SAT or ACT

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2 months ago[edited]

I understand how you feel. It seems like my major is only offered in schools with admissions difficulties. I really want to go to UChicago or Northwestern, but I am also unsure that I will be able to get in, so I have been looking at Indiana University Bloomington as I can receive in-state tuition. Out of all of the AP courses my school offers, none of them particularly pertain to my major (linguistics) and are mostly offered for seniors (sometimes juniors). I am also trying my best to get a lot of volunteer hours through clubs and my part-time job. My best advice is to find extracurriculars you enjoy, whether that'd be a part-time job, internship, or musical instrument. If your school offers pathways that pertain to your major, try them out. For instance, I'm taking the Education pathway where I am out observing classes 3 days a week for 3 periods. The beginning of junior year seems so tough as you are in between receiving test scores and looking at schools you want to go into after high school. I wish you the best of luck! It sounds like you have a great resume built up already.


2 months ago

You sound like you’re doing great so far!! Try not to worry too much. Since you mentioned going to a small school, you’re more likely to be in the top of your class, which will definitely help your chances with standing out on your applications. You got this.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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