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2 months ago

Advice NEEDED!!

Hi I'm currently a junior (obviously) BUT I wanted to know if I should do volunteer hours at hospitals and more places because there isn't a lot of clubs at my school I'm currently in two Skills USA for my medical class and Roots and Shoots which is a recycling club and some clubs you have to be in AVID to apply to certain clubs which is a bummer. So would volunteer hours look better on my transcript or should I just join more clubs????

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2 months ago

Hello! I am a senior who is currently battling the admissions process. One thing that colleges look for is passion projects. For example, if you were to join a club you were passionate about, it looks a lot better compared to just joining clubs at random because they offer volunteer hours. Whenever you are thinking about joining a club, think to yourself "if a college were to ask me about my interest in it, would I be able to carry a conversation?" When it comes to volunteer hours, those always look good no matter if it is a passion project.


2 months ago

Hello! I am also a junior, and I struggle with this same issue. Volunteer hours are definitely something you should consider, especially if you are looking into going into the medical field. Nonetheless, clubs and school activities are also important. From my experience of being in multiple clubs compared to volunteer hours, it is difficult to balance everything. I recommend looking into volunteering and/or clubs that offer the opportunity, such as Key Club. Volunteer hours and community activities are also very important on applications to show that you are involved outside of your school. All high schools are different, so I am not sure what exactly you are offered compared to what I am, but I hope I was able to help you somewhat!


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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