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ā€¢ 2 months ago ā€¢

panicking about ap chem šŸ˜­ help me

Iā€™ve always been a very high achieving student and Iā€™m aiming for T20 colleges. Iā€™m planning on going into the medical field and majoring in biology for undergrad, and Iā€™ve planned high school all around this. Iā€™m used to being a top student in all my classes, I even took Calculus BC and I didnā€™t struggle. I donā€™t mean this to brag just as contextā€” this year, Iā€™m taking 5 AP classes, all of them are going fairly well (and Iā€™m loving biology) but I feel so stupid in AP chemistry. Everyone in the class is doing very well, scoring 80-100% on the first test today. I had one of the lowest scores at 60%. I know chemistry is very important for med school so I feel so lost. I feel very embarrassed being in that class because Iā€™m so used to being smart and I think Iā€™m the dumbest one in there. Anyway the point isā€” is my future career doomed? Should I keep the class and just do my best to get through? Iā€™m kind of panicking please help me figure out what I should do!

Edit: I guess my question was not so much if struggling in AP chem will cause me to have a lower chance getting into college, because it wonā€™t reflect in my applications unless i say it explicitly, or if i get <5 on the exam (Iā€™m most likely still going to have a 4.0 because of assignments and grade inflations lol).

My question is: if Iā€™m struggling right now, will working hard get me where I need to be, or does this kind of ability only come naturally? Everyone in my class seems like theyā€™re just naturally good at it and thatā€™s what scares meā€” I was told because Iā€™m good at math and biology iā€™ll be good at chemistry but Iā€™m just not.

Sorry this is long Iā€™m just confirming what my question was, thank you

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ā€¢ 2 months ago

Ap Chemistry is a very hard class, maybe consider majoring in a soft science if you are looking to get into a T20 school it may be helpful to find a major that isn't biology, very competitive at any school. Also, Ap chem is preparing you, go to office hours, ask questions. Rather struggle now then when you have to take chem again in college.


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