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2 months ago

Do you think studying abroad is a good idea?

Honestly, I don't really have a dream college I want to attend. However, studying abroad caught my attention, and most colleges I've talked to have that option. What are some things I should know about studying abroad and is it a good idea?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 months ago[edited]

Hello! I am also very interested in studying abroad! I am currently taking my third year of German and am looking at summer abroad programs. Depending on what you want to major in, a summer abroad can be very achievable. From all the people I've met who've gone abroad, they really enjoyed it and learned so so so much!!

If you are studying abroad for a certain language, you should know some programs are very specific about what you do. Nonetheless, there are rules are put in place so you can learn.

Also, you have a chance of living with a host family, so it will take a lot of adjustment to get used to that new change as well. It might take a while to get comfortable with the idea that you might be staying with strangers (I'm quite nervous about that part...), but they are welcoming and programs provide measures for you to get to know them and vice versa beforehand.

If you are taking a foreign language class, you could also look at au pair programs! One of my friends did it over the summer before she went to university and got to travel all across Europe because of it.

The best thing to do right now is research. Research where you want to go and why, why you want to study abroad in the first place (language immersion, government, culture...), what options are available to you (big city/small town, strict rules/lenient rules...), and how it will be beneficial to you. Studying abroad costs a lot of money, so make sure to also research scholarships for the college/university you are interested in offers in that area.

For instance, I am looking at doing a summer abroad in Austria to increase my German skill level. The program is full of immersion, so I cannot consume any English media or speak English at all. The program is located in a decently sized town/city, which will be a big adjustment for me because of living in a rural community.

I hope I was of help! Good luck on your studying abroad endeavors!

2 months ago

I think it really depends on why studying abroad interests you. If studying abroad could give you a better understanding of your major/field of choice or fuel a passion you have, I would say go for it! If you just want to travel, studying abroad could still be a great option, but maybe think about whether it’s the right opportunity for you. Everyone I know that has done a study abroad program in college went for a semester and came back with GLOWING reviews, but I think it definitely depends on where you go and what you study there. Also, remember that you’ll be living there, not just studying, so I would definitely pick a place that you think you’ll love (food you like, kind people, etc.) Hope this helps! 💕

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