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2 months ago

Do I stay in AP Bio?

I'm currently taking 3 APs -- Lit, Psych, and Bio. Since my school only offers lit, psych, bio, calc, and art I kinda chose the schedule where I can optimize the amount of APs I'll take. But the issue is that the new AP Bio teacher in our school cannot teach Bio at all. I can drop the class and take AP Art, but I'm only good at photography and not drawing. I can also drop Bio and take AP Computer Science independent studies for 1/2 a credit.

What do you think I should take?

Stay in AP Bio
Take AP Art
Take AP Computer Science
Poll closed45 votes
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2 months ago

i say either stay in bio or switch it for art- it depends on what you want your path later in life to be. if computer science is only half a credit i wouldn't consider that to be "worth it" anyway. if you want to go into a scientific field, stay in bio and ask for extra help from friends or tutors. if art will help you out, switch to that! there are so many mediums you can work with and it's okay to be stronger in some than in others. obviously nobody can make the final choice except for you, but i would make a list of pros and cons for each class.


2 months ago

Girly please stay in all of the classes, I know it's so hard but I took 3 AP's freshman year and it has proved to be the smartest decision I've ever made. It's very stressful but It gives you an advantage on paper and In real life, for example a lot of the subjects/terms in AP Psych get brought up in so many other classes.


2 months ago

you could stay in the AP bio class and ask for help from other students who took the same class if similar assignments are given,otherwise, i wouldn't want to tell you to stay in a class that will stress you out because it will cause you to less successful if you are less active in that class because it wasn't a class that wasn't quite your fit because of the teacher


2 months ago

Well, obviously you should take the class that you think will benefit you the most, but if you really want a second opinion, many art classes become much easier if you have experience with photography. Some art classes at my high school even allow good photos to be substituted for artwork. Ultimately it all depends on what YOU think you should take, though.


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