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a month ago

How to increase my chances into getting into UCI

I have been trying and trying to make my profile good enough for my dream school UCI (University of California, Irvine) and I haven't been able to increase my percentage (it's pretty low). I am very involved in the music program and I am in many AP classes. I am on two different councils, one of which I am already president of and the other will be next year. I also have visited the Campus twice now and I really love the layout. I am employed and trying to save up for school. I need help thinking of what else I can add to my resume. I have also reached out to the school for information and they responded to me fairly quickly. Please comment or participate in the poll..

Harder classes
Add more extracurriculars
Focus on music and try and get a scholarship
Wait til I take the ACT's to worry
Poll closed39 votes
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a month ago

Yea, I would say add to the extracurriculars. you are employed so that might be hard, but something that I am doing while looking into being a creative writing/english major is entering submissions. So I will write something and I will try to submit to an external source and maybe get it published. If there are any music submissions like that, I would recommend that. I would also say talk to your music teacher and see if you can maybe get involved in helping kids learn music. I don't know what about music you are interested in, but I would assume you play an instrument, so I see if you can help teach kids. I am willing to think about more options if you need help, but I would say talk to your music teacher to see if they have any options.


a month ago

What you should most likely do is add more music based or fine art extracurriculars as week as fine tuning your passion for music and show that in your essay


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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