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a month ago

When is the best time to pick a major

I've been going back and forth on a couple different majors and I don't know what I want to do. The other problem is that they are not similar at all. So when would be the best time to pick a major and stick with it?

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@savannahp26a month ago [edited]

Honestly you don't really need to declare your specific major until later in college. You're first two years of college is all your undergraduate stuff meaning you'll be taking pretty basic classes like chemistry, psychology, algebra, etc. If your college lets you switch then you can always decide later. At least have an idea or general field that you know you want to go into right now.

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a month ago

Hey, ZombEllie!

Do not worry about only picking one major. There are so many possibilities, and even in college- you're still 100% free to change it. You may not want to hear it, but it is completely normal to not know what major you should select for your future. There isn't really a "best time" to pick a major, however some things that helped me out were creating pro-con lists! Create a list of what you like about your majors, and some that you're not exactly a fan of. And don't feel too pressured to stick with it! About 80% of college students end up changing their major at least once and is never a bad thing. However, if the majors included added programs (like medical), make sure you meet the requirements and ensure that it is another possibility so that it's easier on the decision making.

Hope this helps, you got this!

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