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a month ago

Where should I start with Volleyball recruiting?

I participate in club volleyball and I want to go to college for it, but my high school's team did not let me try out this year. (really weird I know) How should I put myself on college's radar?


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
a month ago

Hey, QuesoVan!

Volleyball player here. There's no need to worry, getting a coach to recruit you usually doesn't require for you to be on a high school team, you just have to be in high school in a program (like clubs) to be able to get recruited. Here are a few things to ensure you get recruited...

1. Stay ahead academically: Make sure you're succeeding in the classroom before sports. Though recruiters obviously look at your athletic abilities, having good grades ensures you are available for recruitment. Take a look at NCAA eligibility requirements to help you out!

2. Create highlight videos: Having a comprehensive highlight video is one of the best ways to increase your exposure to college coaches and recruiters while it showcases your potential. Highlight videos are usually shown as 1-3 clips from each game, and it is highly recommended to include any major competitions and plays to represent how well you play under pressure.

3. Reach out to coaches: If you've started the profile of your videos and created an account, it's best to organize a list of college coaches' information from the schools you want to get recruited in. Send an email to each coach with a brief introduction of who you are, your achievements, and why you are interested in their program- make sure to include what current year of high school you are in. Keep an open mind and make sure you're exploring all of your possible options.

Hope this helps and don't be shy to reach out, you got this!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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