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a month ago

take more AP's?

Freshman year: 0

Sophomore year: 1

Junior year: 3

Is it worth taking AP classes that don't pertain to my intended major just to have more APs? I want to study creative writing in college and am looking at taking AP Lit, AP Government/Economics, and AP French in my senior year. Should I take AP psychology or do journalism instead? Are APs more important to colleges?

take the extra AP!!
take journalism!!
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a month ago

While an AP class might not pertain to your major, it can highlight certain skills that many universities look for, such as critical thinking and problem solving that come from the course rigor. For me, I will be taking two-four AP classes that have nothing to do with my intended major, but will help me highlight those skills to prove that I am capable of solving complex problems and handling the pressure and difficulty. Furthermore, they give you weighted grades that exemplify your skills.

My best advice is to take the AP. I took DC Psych rather than the AP, but the class was still fairly interesting and taught me a lot of things I did not know before. It made me decide that not only do I want to major in linguistics but also have a concentration in psycholinguistics. Taking psychology could pertain to journalism in many ways that you do not know.

Definitely make journalism/creative writing an extracurricular. If your school offers a club, join it. If they don't, consider starting one! Many teachers are willing to sponsor clubs for a student's passion.

I hope I was of help! If anything, look to see if any local community colleges offer summer courses to help you excel and expand your journalism skills and boost your GPA. For me, I am looking at summer programs pertaining to my intended major!


a month ago

I'd say take the Extra AP. AP Psychology is usually considered as the easiest AP course. But that could be different based on your school and teacher, so don't fully believe in it. Depending on where your GPA is right now, it's your call whether you want to take it or not.

If you're thinking about going to Duke or Caltech or UNC, I'd say excelling in AP's would be important if your Weighted GPA isn't at least 4.3.

But, I'd say you should try to do journalism as an extracurricular. Try to see if you can find any online courses on them, especially the ones that give a certificate. That demonstrates drive and motivation to the admissions officers.


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