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a month ago

military or college first?

Hi, I am currently a junior in high school, and I am seriously considering enlisting after high school, (the air-force to be specific). But I have always planned on going to college. I have no idea what to major in and would like to get out of college without any debt so I think joining the military would be a good option. But I am just not sure if I should enlist or go to college first and then join as an officer, because then I would make more money and be able to go up higher in rank. But that is only if I want the military to be my career and I don't think that's what I want. So if I enlisted then I would have 3-4 years to figure out what I want to do in life and then the military would pay for my college. But if I go to college first then I would make more money while in the military. I don't know what to do!!

join the military first
go to college first
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a month ago

Hi Julie!

I highly recommend joining the military first. Here's why.

You shared that you have no idea what to major in and would like to get out of college without debt. It's okay to not know what you want to do. If you are unsure, the wisest move is to give yourself time. No one wants to go to college and pay for degree that they aren't sure about. You may end up changing your mind about what career fits you, and then you may have to return to school. If you join the military first, you can take time to discover more about your interests and talents. Also, like you said, college would be paid for, but I don't know if you have considered that military veterans have many other advantages, too. You may have an easier time getting a job because veterans are often supported with respect.

Also, if you join the military first, you will have time to make sure the military isn't The Career for you, instead of jumping in after college and deciding that you may not like it very much.

Please take my advice with a grain of salt. I recommend talking to trusted adults in your life and researching the pros and cons of joining the military first. lmk if you need any more help or if you have any questions! Don't panic- you got this :)

🎤a month ago

Hi Jael thank you for responding!

You have pointed out some very important things, like that veterans have many other advantages, and I think that you're right. You're also right about how if I join the military before college it will give me time to figure things out, instead of after where I might be stuck with a degree I don't want and then have to fulfill the military contract. I also have many other reasons to join the military, one being that I would be following in my father's, grandfather's and great-grandfather's footsteps, and that I would be the first female in my family to join. And if I decide that I would like a career in the military then I can always join as an officer after I have graduated from college, and then I would make more money and be able to retire at around 40 years old with many benefits.

But anyways, I plan on taking the asvab soon and talking to a recruiter to get everything sorted out. Thank you so much for your help :))

a month ago

No problem! So glad I could help :)


🎤a month ago

please help!!


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