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a month ago

Is two AP classes for junior year to little?

Hi I'm Bri, I'm currently taking 2 AP classes this year is that to little? Im taking Apush and Ap English, last year I had Ap spanish, English honors, and CSUB Geology. will I be interesting to a 4 year University? For senior year I'm planning to take 2-3 Ap classes and a honors... And I'm interested in taking an online college class.


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2 answers

a month ago

Hi Bri! I am also a junior and I believe that it is better to focus on elevating test scores and managing other stresses of this year as opposed to heavily focusing on AP. This year I am taking 3 APs and I have previously taken 3 in sophomore year and 1 in freshman year. 2 APs still represents a rigor of courses as long as you maintain good grades in those classes.

a month ago

Hi Bri! 2 AP classes is not too little. You're doing great with the idea to take more next year too. College classes through dual enrollment are an excellent idea too. Now all you want to do is maintain a good GPA depending on the standards of the college(s) you are looking at. Also, it is a good idea to take advantage of the practice tests offered by CollegeBoard and the resources from Khan Academy to study for the SAT. If you have any interests in doing extracurriculars after school, I would suggest doing so, because it is just one more thing that sets you further ahead in the strength of your application compared to others. Keep up the good work and good luck!

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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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