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a month ago

SAT help

Any online suggestions for SAT tutoring? Like flashcards, practice tests, etc.

Looking for some that actually help :(

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a month ago

For me, Bluebook practice tests and Khan Academy have been really helpful in refreshing my memory of concepts. With Bluebook practice tests, I was able to get a "baseline" score and then look at areas I could improve upon, which I did using Khan Academy. Overall, I recommend taking the SAT (practice or otherwise) as many times as possible to familiarize yourself with it and get used to the style of questions.


a month ago[edited]

I recommend starting with Khan Academy's free course after taking an official practice test to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. Use the course and then go and use the questions provided on the Collegeboard Question Bank (these will be the most accurate to the possible test questions.)

Also, I used Strategic Test Prep's Youtube videos and their workbooks, which are $25 pdfs. Sometimes they give you one free if you sign up for the email list! Very helpful books...compiles practice questions in categories so you can look at your score report later and see the weak areas, then focus on those. Also, Method Learning on Youtube has AMAZING videos for Desmos calculator. That calculator is a powerful tool if you know how to use it. Also, get really familiar with the Bluebook app…there’s a lot of perks like options to cross off answers, highlight/annotate, and flag questions to check again.

Another effective method is having a mistake journal. After every practice test- or real SAT- write down your mistakes and figure out the correct answer. Freshen up on the concept and find a effective strategy for that particular type of question. Keep reviewing past mistakes and the corrections all the time.

I got a 750 RW and a 690 M.

Hope this helps and lmk if you have any questions!


a month ago

There's also an online SAT practice question bank, I'd recommend going through and doing as many as possible. You will get the best practice/growth from practicing directly from the SAT questions


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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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