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a month ago


does anyone know how to study for the ACTs? I already know how to study for the SATs.

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6 answers

21 days ago

practice tests, practice tests, practice tests. you need to identify your strong and weak points (especially which sections of the reading test you're better or worse at, and you need to get used to the (frankly, absolutely insane) time limits.

a month ago

tbh, if your school offers an ACT prep class take it! other than that, if you have the money try to get the official practice ACT books. those have made me feel the most prepared

2 days ago[edited]

There are many practice tests online you can use, and make sure to look back on older math problems! :3 I know lots of people say to take practice tests, but i found it to be more helpful if you take those tests, look at what you got wrong, and organize into categories! For example, i would categorize my mistakes as silly(just not paying attention or adding wrong, something that can be fixed by just not stressing out too much), issues with comprehension (I dont know how to do this), time (i ran out of time/dont know how to do this in less time), and old concepts (i learned this, but i forgot). I found that this helped me work out what I should review/learn and what types of problems i become panicked on. Anyway, just make sure to take it slowly but surely, do maybe one section of the ACT per day, dont overwork yourself, and recognize your strengths and weaknesses.

Happy studying! <3

Edit: also, im sure there are videos online that u can use to refresh old topics, I've found that at a point the ACT prep books really arent helpful


18 days ago

I am studying for the ACT right now through the ACT website. Email your school counselor and see if you qualify for the ACT fee waiver and you can get a free prep course by Kaplan, 5 free practice tests and to take the test for free.

If you don't qualify but you have the money for the prep course I highly suggest it.

a month ago

khan academy

a month ago

Carve out the time to take one full paper ACT a week, then spend the rest of the week reviewing the concepts you struggle with, and relearning and doing practice questions to get more familiar with them. If you’re willing to spend money, the princeton review program is really great and they guarantee a score boost.

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