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a month ago

Is it possible to improve my SAT score of 1170?

I just took my first SAT test in October. I didn't study at all and I got a 1170 which I know isn't the greatest. I've never gotten good scores on my PSAT either. I really want a 1400 but I know people say you can't improve your SAT score that much. Also, I know little to nothing about the ACT but would that be worth looking into? Thank you.

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5 answers

Accepted Answer
a month ago

My advice on the improving your SAT score is to take a class. Most high schools offer free classes, or at least have classes available and only charge you for the study materials. Taking a class would be the best way to see better strategies and also see what your faults generally end up being.

About the ACT: I took the ACT for the first time my sophomore year of high school and didn't really know what I was walking into until I was there. The test is based mostly off your junior year of high school (math, English, and science stuff) They assume that you've been prepped a little bit for the ACT in each of your core classes like that, but I hadn't reached that point yet. I got a 27, but I did really well in the English portions, and... not so good in the science and math, but it averaged out well. My advice would be to seriously take a practice ACT and see what it would do for your chances before you take the real one, and most colleges don't ask for both, so you could potentially pick which one you want to use.

a month ago

Practice, practice, and practice!

You may not want to, or not have the motivation for it, but trust me, procrastination is your biggest enemy. Think about how accomplished you’ll feel and keep pushing forward. There’s a 6 practice tests on BlueBook, prep courses on Khan Academy, youtube videos. Find what your struggling in and tackle it from step 1.

6 days ago

I haven't taken the SAT yet, but I have taken the ACT for the first time a couple of weeks ago and I was very unprepared and I got a 23. Before I took the test, I did some questions from practice tests to help me get an idea of what will be on the ACT and how to distinguish some correct answers from wrong answers. I think that you should look into it and maybe end up taking it because its possible that you might do better on the ACT than the SAT.

15 days ago

It is absolutely possible to get your score up. Make sure you study A LOT. I suggest purchasing the SAT Prep expert book. The author includes great suggestions that helped me boost my score. One thing that helps is to make sure you're only using official college board practice tests and questions. Good luck, and you've got this!!!

a month ago

Yes, it is!

The very first SAT I took, which was a practice test, was a 1150 with no studying. I studied on Khan Academy for 30 minutes a day for about a month and I then scored 1320 last Oct. This March, a 1370. Yesterday, I found out I got a 1440 this Oct!

It is absolutely possible to improve. You just need to commit a consistent study time. If you have trouble fitting in time for extra studying, I have heard the app Preptly is great, but I didn't have a compatible device.

Khan Academy is a GREAT resource that is downplayed by many people. Start there, and if you need more resources, here are some of mine:

Strategic Test Prep Youtube videos

Strategic Test Prep workbooks (have online courses, too)

Method Learning YT videos on DESMOS (amazing calculator, you just need to know how to use it)

The ACT is definitely worth looking into if you have the time. I do know that it is more reading comprehension based, less math heavy. So, if you are strong in reading skills, I recommend taking it and seeing how you do. I kind of wished I had. Math isn't my strong suit since I took Algebra 1-2 in 8-9th grade, so I don't remember much.

Hope this is helpful and please let me know if you need any more help!

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