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a month ago

What achievements?!?

I need help. While I’ve never been a very introverted or lazy person I’ve really never been that outgoing either. I usually never got involved in things like school sports because it really just wasn’t my thing I’d much rather just hang with friends on a Friday night or go out to eat so I feel like I don’t really have anything to listen to, since I’ve never really thought about it till now I really don’t know what to do anything helps!!

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a month ago

In order to get achievements you might need to try to put yourself out there a little. Reach out to teachers about clubs you can join including those with volunteer work!


2 days ago

Personally I would say think of your interests and figure out how you can go from there. For example, I LOVE to read and I volunteered at my local library for over 2 years. That all started because of my love of books but I can now say that I can confidently help patrons and offer customer service, I can operate certain 3D printers, I understand team management, I can effectively organize and run programs for the public, and I have experience in reporting to management and playing my part to create the best experience for our guests. So now I have a heaping list of transferable skills that I have acquired over time, and it all started because of my hobby! So I encourage you to do some digging. Whatever interests you, whether it be books or sports or design or gardening or whatever is that you love find somewhere that needs volunteers or needs interns or needs a part-time clerk. If you start working somewhere because you truly love what you’re doing, that opportunity is only going to flourish and grow and give you more assets down the line.


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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