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4 years ago
Paying for College

What would students in high school do to get money to pay for college(scholarships?), like how much money needed?

What would student in high school do to get money to pay for college(scholarships?), like how much money needed generally? Like the grades, gpa, and other factors play in, but considering a good, well-rounded student, how much money would need to be earned in high school(what scholarships are there) for college?

Any help or suggestion would really helps, thank you!

[🎤 AUTHOR]@chandras4 years ago

Thank you in advance!

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5 answers

4 years ago

It depends on the college you want to go to. Some schools offer financial aid while others don't. Here are some websites you can get scholarships by winning or just getting good grades (for international students as well):

NSHSS - you put in your grades and write an essay and they choose a winner. There are lots of competitions there, so if you don't win one there is always another (: - If your current high school is on their list you can earn scholarship money by getting good grades and attending extracurricular, no essays or competitions. As long as your high schools on their list you can sign up and earn money which they will send to the college of your choice when you get accepted.

I hope this helped (:

4 years ago

I have also been looking for scholarships for college. I know in certain areas different restaurants offer scholarships, like Chick-fil-A. There are also websites and apps that have scholarship competitions. Most of the "competitions" are just essays and random drawings. I hope this helps! :)

4 years ago

Hey there !

A high school student can toil extra hours for a part time job or freelance.If it is something related to your major,then you have started standing out in your college application cause you already depict some experience in your field.

College costs a lot, it depends upon where you will attend and how you will attend the college.A in-state student pays exceptionally less fees compared to out-of-state students.Overall,a domestic students pay less than international students(exceptions exists though).

Apply to colleges that provide need blind scholarships or stand out in academics and try to get those merit scholarships .If you're working hard in high school to get money for first year college fee,keep it 15k-25k atleast.(Speaking about, North east and eastern coast)But, as I said it depends upon which college you're attending, what place it is,what major you have selected.

Hope it helps

4 years ago

I would say to hone in on about 3 colleges. Look at their major requirements, required test scores, and other programs. I’m a senior and I found that setting up a visit at the colleges where I could speak to advisors in-person helped me the most.Never be afraid to reach to colleges for advice.

4 years ago

The most important thing is gonna be where you go to school. The average "student contribution" portion tends to come out to around 3,000 plus a FWS (Federal Work Study) if you qualify. The rest of your financial aid will involve grants, loans, and a parent contribution. So it will be heavily dependent on your FAFSA. But if you are assuming only student contribution, it will probably be about 3,000. Unless you have more saved up that you report on the FAFSA, in which case it will be higher. Financial aid is confusing, but I hope this helped a little.

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