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4 years ago
Paying for College

Business Administration jobs

What jobs are possible with a business administration major? Also, how many years are needed?


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2 answers

4 years ago

The easy answer to your first question is "jobs in the business sector that involve administration." This includes managerial positions, CEOs, HR specialists, business consultants... basically any job that involves leading and supervising people that is in the corporate world. If you're a natural-born leader who enjoys working with people, is good with money, and can balance your work-home life, then this would be a great path for you.

As for your second answer, it depends on what job you want. If you're aspiring to become the next CEO of Amazon, then you're going to definitely need at least a Master's or a Doctoral degree. For other jobs, a Bachelor's is all that's required. Most well-paying positions look for people who have an M.B.A., but you'll find that many, many people in the corporate have M.B.A's, so it's hard to stand out with the degree alone.

Here's a link to a helpful website you can use to find a more in-depth answer if you need more information. I hope you find what you need!

4 years ago

Well, you would be able to work for businesses. You would start in a lower position, maybe a salesperson. Then if you do well, you would go up the ranks. Eventually, you could be in an administrator position, like a manager. Your major would help you do your job well as an administrator. You could even be a CEO.

However, it's not like they are going to give you a high-level position just because you have a business degree.

You will need 4 years to get a full degree.

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