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4 years ago
Paying for College

Out-of-state college

Since out-of-state colleges cost a ton more money, is it really worth going out of state and paying all that money?

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5 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

If it's a college that is best for you, absolutely!

When choosing a college, what you are looking for in a school should always come first.

4 years ago

That is a question you have to ask yourself. What are your aspirations in life? How good are the cheaper colleges near you? Are you afraid of debt? Will you be going into a high-paying job that will let you get rid of debt quickly?

However, another good thing to remember is that most colleges do not have different tuition costs for out-of-state vs in-state. That being said, there are usually state grants and whatnot if you go to a college within your state, and your local community college will probably be cheaper than anything you can find anywhere.

However, all the Ivy Leagues offer a lot of financial aid, so if you are an excellent student, that's an option. Also look at this list from college board with colleges that will meet all of your financial need:

These are in general colleges that are harder to get into, however.

I hope this helps!

4 years ago

It depends on what out-of-state college you are considering. Some will actually be more affordable than or comparable to in-state colleges if you do have excellent stats and your family doesn't make a whole ton of money. However, if not, then out-of-state colleges can be more expensive. If you have a dream school that is out-of-state and is more expensive though, I would say go for it. You never know if you will have a chance to attend that college ever again, and you probably won't want to regret it later on in life.

4 years ago

Depending on where you live sometimes it's best to go to out-of-state colleges. It also depends on the college you are looking at. If that specific college is known for the career you are choosing then go ahead. Examples of what I mean would be Stanford and UPENN are good colleges for law. However if the college isn't really known for anything and the price is too high, I don't recommend it. There are jobs out there that won't hire you because of the college you went to. So if I were to be making this decision I would carefully examine the pros and cons. Good luck!

4 years ago

If the pros outweigh the cons, then yes. Not every state is able to offer the best college and the best benefits / connections for every major.

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